Hi Queen.

You're here because you're amazing at what you do.

Your work changes lives. Your clients get insane results.

The problem?

You’re not making any where near the money you think you should be.

You feel like you should be further ahead.

Money’s coming in. Sales are coming in. But you’re ready for it to explode. You’re ready for everything to go insane.

New clients are stepping into your world, but you want to be working with way more people than you currently are. You want your high ticket offers to sell as easily as your low ticket offers.

You want to:

Collapse time and make insane money now

Have high level clients effortlessly paying in full for your genius and insight, on repeat

Feel supported by money. To not feel stressed with money. To not have to worry about money.

Business to feel easy and like you can effortlessly scale without burning out or sacrificing your healthRaise your prices and have dream clients pay 5 figures in full, on repeatOpen the floodgates of abundance and attract new opportunities to skyrocket your careerTavel and have more time for doing things you love and to hire an amazing team. Have consistent high cash months on repeat working with dream clients, while being even more present with your family.

And once the money comes in, you want to be able to hold it all. The money, the clients, the new level, while also being present for your loved ones and without sacrificing your own self care.

You’re not afraid of hard work, but you want it to be easier. You know it can be easier and you know you can have it all.

Even though you’re making more money than most people you know, you know it can be more.

Ultimately, you want your bank account to reflect your genius.


Which is exactly why Magnetic was created.

So that you can make a sh**tonne more money and effortlessly attract and sign high level clients, the feminine way:

The work we do in Magnetic is how I’ve been able to attract, hold and stabilize consistent 30k+ cash months for the last few years. 50k - 80k sales months, 6 figure quarters, working with dream 6, 7 and 8 figure clients and attracting PR and Media attention for my work are my minimum standard, and is all done through embodying the magnetic power we all have access to.

Many clients who have gone through this program since it first opened in 2020 are now doing 10k, 30k, 50k and 100k months and attribute so much of their success to the work they did inside Magnetic. They are now sought after leaders and coaches and harnessed their magnetic power to attract their dream lifestyle, business, clients and cash.

If you’re a heart led woman who believes in using your business for good, and you know the more resources you have, the more you’re able to give and contribute in the ways you truly want to, and you’re ready to unlock your ultimate feminine receiving power, Magnetic invites you to say yes to your quantum leap.

In this potent mastermind you’ll receive:

10 x powerful trainings with specific tasks and actions to become a magnet for high level clients, attract prosperity, open the floodgates of abundance, become a highly paid and go-to leader in your field, make money as you sleep, scale your income the feminine way, unlock next level visibility and get confident charging and receiving way more money for your genius, quantum leap your revenue, collapsing time, and so much more. Each training comes with the exact tasks to help you 2 - 5X your income. Powerful monthly activations to skyrocket dream client sales & explode your income2 x group quantum coaching sessions each month to dive deep and become magnetic in your money and dream client manifestations in these powerful energetics-meets-strategy calls. Daily support, connection and coaching via our Telegram group to plug in and get potent results and my hands on guidance, insight and feedback on your messaging, content, sales, abundance alchemy and business to help you double, triple or 5X your results and become MagneticAF so that you truly can, have it all. Platinum Option Available for private 1-1 space with Libby alongside the Magnetic Experience


What we dive into


please note, the order in which these are delivered may change


Collapsing Time:

the energetics, identity and process of receiving more income in way less time


The 10 Shadow Archetypes:

identify the unconscious patterns holding you back and become equipped with the tools to shift them


Abundance Alchemy:

your gateway into new levels of abundance through exploring the energetic and ancestral beliefs keeping you stuck in scarcity


Beyond Money Mindset:

the frequency and embodiment of receiving for Multi 6 figure years


Embody Your Brand:

become a client magnet everywhere you go


Magnetic Sales:

Uplevel your feminine sales skills to sign dream clients with ease


Content Marketing:

the writing strategies to inspire and attract high level buyers


6 Figure Launches:

your bespoke aligned marketing and socials strategy

(Libby will be personally helping you get laser clear on exactly what this is and how to execute it)


Sales Eco-System and Offer Stacking:

for 20k-30k months on repeat: the strategy behind ‘earn more, work less’


Owning your Voice, Leadership and Authority Playshop:

become the ‘go to’ in your field of expertise

How it works:

Each week we have one training session, as well as the bi-weekly coaching calls. It’s expected that you work on what we cover in that training throughout the week and tap into the coaching calls and Telegram group for support, workshopping and guidance as you embody and execute the work we do in each of the training sessions.

At the end of the 3 months, you have an opportunity to continue inside the mastermind to deepen your embodiment and execution of each training and continue to receive support as you unleash the next level of your brand and mission, at a reduced rate of your initial investment.

Each training will be appx 45 - 60 minutes each week and if you can’t make it live, replays are available right away.

Libby will be personally helping you with and giving you feedback on all things sales and energy that we work on in this space, including your launch strategy and content marketing. This will be done daily via the group telegram space and on the coaching calls.

If you prefer a private space with Libby all to yourself, the Platinum VIP option is best for you. This includes 1-1 support with Libby in Telegram, and a monthly 1-1 call.


Get these bonuses

When you pay in full:

BONUS #1 Lifetime access to the Money Makeover program to elevate your whole relationship with money and quantum leap your financial results ($2K value)

BONUS #2 Lifetime access to ‘Elevate Your Money State’ subconscious rewiring audio program to manifest more money on the go ($250 value)

BONUS #3 Lifetime access to '30 days to $30k months' program ($1K value)

= $3250 in bonuses when you pay in full


3 months in Magnetic

10 x high level trainings

6 x high level coaching calls

3 x energetic activations

Daily support, feedback, strategy & guidance in our exclusive Magnetic group


3 months in Magnetic

10 x high level trainings

6 x high level coaching calls

3 x energetic activations

Daily support, feedback, strategy & guidance in our exclusive Magnetic group


Daily 1:1 coaching with Libby in your own private telegram

3 x 1:1 calls with Libby

words from a few past clients who have done the work you'll do in Magnetic

"I’ve actually added up my revenue that was generated as a result of the skills you have taught me. I can honestly say that without your teachings I wouldn’t have been able to generate this revenue. The actual financial return on investment would have been 300-400% and if my current client proceeds it’s going to hit tenfold."

Maria Johnson,

Financial Advisor

"Working with Libby has launched me into my multidimensional existence. Her work is not for the faint hearted. As a matter of fact, she takes you through all the work to step into a deeply heart led mission. Her value has been priceless. I feel endlessly grateful to have stepped forward into a new life, knowing I can never go back!"

Meg Williams,

Pleasure Coach

"I cannot express with words how powerful [Magnetic] has been. If you are even remotely on the fence, know that your soul has been calling this in. Since working with Libby my entire life has transformed. And in the last 3 to 4 months I have quadrupled my income."

Corrie Taylor,

Business Coach

& Founder of KANIKA


Who is Libby?

Libby is the CEO and founder of Parradiigm, co-founder School of Spiritual Healing Arts, co-founder of charitable initiatives: Hope2Fam and Self Wealth Project and is passionate about helping people turn their impossible dreams into their inevitable reality

Libby is a sales and
mindset expert, holds a BSc in Psychology, is a Certified Shamanic Practitioner,
Best Selling Author of
"How To UnMess Your Life", a
Trained Life and Business Coach, and has over 15 years experience in mindset, leadership and sales, plus a personal journey in healing from alcohol addiction and drug abuse.

Libby has created a global brand that’s generated 7 figures online and is happily married and lives in New Zealand with her husband, Dane.

She’s on a mission to help millions of people around the world to make positive, sustainable changes in their lives, families, businesses & communities via her world class coaching, mentoring & training programs, courses, retreats, workshops and events both online and in person all over the world.

You can connect with her on IG @libbyrobertsonxo

Or at her website www.parradiigm.com

As seen in...